MKs push for further pressure on human rights groups as restrictive legislation progresses

Israeli outlet Ynet has reported that Israeli Coalition Chairman MK Zeev Elkin (Likud) and MK David Rotem
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New bill to outlaw groups that question Israel as 'Jewish and democratic'

On Sunday 7 November 2010, the Ministerial Committee for Legislation discussed a new private bill, entitled, ‘The Bill for Protecting the Values of the State of Israel (Legislation Amendments
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Israel's proposed new Terrorism Law significantly extends definition of terrorism

A new version of Israel’s Terrorism Law recently proposed by the Israeli government introduces a very broad definition of terrorism and terrorist organizations. Legal experts believe it is liable to endanger organizations and activities that are currently defined as legal in Israel.
A new Terrorism Law was recently drafted by Israel’s Attorney General, the State Attorney and senior officials from the shabac (Israel’s secret police, also called the Israel Security Agency), and appr
Cached version of the public memorandum issued by the Israeli Justice Ministry on the proposed law (Hebrew):…
Israeli Democracy Institute overview and summary of its critique of the law (English):……
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Loyalty oath adds to gathering threat to Arab citizens of Israel

As Knesset reconvenes, the ‘peace process’ is seen as just another term for excluding Israel’s Arab-Palestinian minority from the state
Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has decided to back a proposed amendment to Israel’s citizenship law, raised in July by Justice Minis
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Photo by Abeer Sultan at
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Modified bill to monitor funding of Israeli NGOs discussed

Israeli civil society fearful as Knesset increases legislation efforts
A bill seeking to monitor the activities of NGOs funded by foreign governments or government-funded donors has been modified [see full text below] and is set to be tabled to the Knesset as a governmental bill shortly.
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Antiboycott bill passes preliminary reading in the Knesset

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New bill seeks to outlaw boycott - both of settlements and of Israel

If passed, the bill will lead to heavy sanctions on Palestinian authorities and individuals, as well as Israeli and foreign activists
A new bill (full translation below), the third in a series of proposed laws seeking to restrict the activities of peace activists and human rights organizations in Isra
*sic - The Law of Associations (HaTasham) is from 1981.
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Israel's anti-boycott belligerence
A bill seeking to outlaw boycotts of Israeli institutions and products – including in settlements – is diplomatically explosive
A new “anti-boycott bill”, the third in a series of proposed laws that aim to curtail the ability of civil society to criticise Israeli government policy, will punish Israelis or foreign nationals who initiate or promote a boycott
Miri Weingarten is Director of JNews - Alternative Jewish Perspectives on Israel and Palestine
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